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This UI Kit uses attractive colors and modern typography to make you look good, no matter what business you’re in.

An overview of features

This UI Kit uses attractive photography and modern typography to make you look good, no matter what business you’re in.
Responsive Components
Over 65 Sections
Complete UI Kit
Figma File
Handcrafted Pages
Legendary Support
CMS Integration
01. Choose Sections

Choose from tons of handcrafted interface sections and create your perfect page.

02. Change Styles

Inform is created on a modular framework of components that are easy to adapt to your brand.

03. Add your content

Bring your site to life and engage your audience with a full suite of Webflow CMS integrations.

“It’s an interesting point to be made, the design is fantastic and the execution is second to none.”

Andrew s.
Sydney, Aus

“We were so impressed with Inform.”

Uttricies morbi eu netus nascetur eteifend congue. Nibh tectus convattis bibendum commodo augue turpis. Ut non faucibus donec id.

Section Heading

This UI Kit uses attractive colors and modern typography to make you look good, no matter what business you’re in.
Responsive Components
Turpis senectus amet tortor in sodates odio tettus. Pretium id amet, euismod sceteriscue vetit.
Adaptable UI Kit
Imperdiet senectus ornare augue donec cuis. Uttrices ut nist egestas eros, nam sceteriscue.


Creating great websites is a breeze with Inform’s suite of interface components.

purchase inform • $79
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